Tuesday, January 12, 2016

It has been almost 4 years...

Wow. I finally recovered my blog. So much has happened these 4 years. Remember the post "The In-Between:Confession"? Well, the guy I was referring to there well we are now a couple! YES! We have been in a relationship for 4 years now. Of course we have had our ups and downs like any other couple but those rough times are what have made us so strong. We are very happy. We consummated. I cannot believe this after reading how frustrated I was on that post. I mean. Guys go back to it. It was just sad.

I am no longer a teenager.  I moved out from my parents house since we were having issues but don't worry I'm still in college. I now live in an apartment and got a puppy to make me company. She is now 2. I have matured so much you guys wouldn't imagine. I'm looking forward to graduation. One 1/2 year to go!

I want to tell you everything that has happened since 2012 but it is SOOO MUCH that I have no idea where to start. I pretty much told you everything that is important but I am pretty sure I am missing a lot.

I promise that i will do my best to keep you updated. At least once a month. But college and adult responsibilities are taking all my time. I barely have time for myself and my doggy and my love. Just gotta find balance.

Happy Late Christmas-New Year (x4)  See you Soon!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


It has been a long time since I last published here my boring life but something happened yesterday that I need to tell. I do not know if somebody has read or is reading this but this is the only way I can find useful to say things. I have not quite yet finished telling you the story of my love life and probably you might not understand what I am about to say.

So yesterday it was Labor Day and so I was free from school and He was too. We decided to be together that day and watch some movies. Mom was going to cook. When He came home it was nice and everything that we were together and we wanted to see each other since the last time because we had our First Kiss! Yes, it was cute. Anyway, He was here like for eight hours and somewhere in between we found ourselves sharing a candy with our mouth and then we were tongue kissing and everything. Of course I am excited for that since we have had tough times especially me. If you were to ask me five months earlier if I ever thought this was going to happen I would have said NO.

I kind of feel it was fast and everything cause there were times that He had half of his body on me or vice versa. It was Hot.His lips were so soft and so were mine He said. We haven't talked since then and that gets me a little worried. I hope everything is okay. I think this is getting too serious. Not that I am saying that's bad but its shocking. I am super shocked(still) that we did that.

"I'm Yours."

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"The Uninvited"

"I have this amazing uncle. I love him so much that I believe That is exactly what has been causing some problem between us. Let me tell you. His girlfriend, wife, fiance, or whatever you want to call her, is pregnant(nine months).She will deliver next week. She is having a girl!

Uncle D and I have this special connection. It is like we are more than just a niece and an uncle, we are best friends!

Anyway,  the thing is that he promised me he was not going to get her pregnant. Yes, I was really mad when I heard the news to the point that I stopped talking to him. I don't know. It was anger, sadness, happiness, shocking, all at the same time. Actually, I was afraid that he might not care about me anymore and that I would not receive the same amount of attention and love from him. I still am. Right, something I have not told you. He is 49 and has a 22 year old son. Now you understand? He is starting all over again. Don't you think it was a little late for him to procreate? 

The thing  is that my father's girlfriend (I don't like to call her my step mom) organized the baby shower. It was on a Sunday in Summer so everybody could attend. But guess what? She did not invite me and I am the kind of person that believes that those kind of activities are important for the family and not getting invited was pretty upsetting. After all, like I mentioned earlier, I love my uncle and I wanted to be there. Besides, it has been a couple of months since the last time I saw him. The thing that really pissed me off was that all my brothers and sisters got to go. I mean, do they have something special that I do not have?

I am staying at my dad's and his girlfriend's mom was the one who told me that all my brothers were there. Oh, the baby shower was celebrated at my dad's house so I guess that since my dad's girlfriend was the one who organized it and we had and still have some issues, she decided not to mention the baby shower to me. BUT couldn't my dad,uncle,grandma, or family member call me?

To wrap everything up, I thing that what bugged me really bad was to hear this words from a stranger: "Everybody was at the baby shower including all of your brothers and sisters. You were the only one missing that day..."

Monday, July 16, 2012

The In-Between:Confession

"I found myself in this horrifying deep dark hole upon which I dug an inch every time I spoke. Of course I knew I had to do something before it was too late, but for some reason I could not find the way out. That, right there, was the huge abyss in which I found myself everyday before going to sleep. That, right there, was the "thing" that tucked me into bed every night. That, right there, helped me find the courage to finally tell him how much I love him. That, right there, brought me to where I am right now...

Since then it is obvious that everything is different. I remember clearly how I it did. Not that I am proud of it though (phone call) but it was the only possible way. I will tell you later why. Anyway, here is the story. It was a Friday and after a normal day of school, me and a group of friends(including him) decided to go to the movies. Everything was going pretty well. Popcorn, candy, soda, laughs, and Friendship. Everything like it should be. But I knew something had my chest tight and it was that thing that I had to say to him. So, after the movie was over we  "hanged out" in a store. I suddenly had a bipolar state( FYI I am not bipolar) as crazy as it might sound and I started sending him texts like  "Go away".

I was staying at my friends house that night and when her mom came to pick us up, I text him to call me when he get home but he instead asked me on a text if he could call me. That, right there, was The Moment I think I was waiting for. I reply back late because my friend and I were having a "party" all by ourselves and before I realized it, I had my third glass of vodka in one hand and my phone on the other. Yes, we were talking. Yes, I answered his text with a "yes". Yes, I was nervous. And yes, I confessed.

After a long chit chat(  until 4am.) in between he told me that he knew. I do not blame him. It was obvious, but he had to admit that sometimes I confused him. I made it clear to him that I was not expecting the same back and that I did not wanted for our friendship to be affected by this.But I had to let it out. Nobody knew and who better than the man I loved to be the first one to be notified. And I made him promise me that he was not going to tell.

It was a long weekend and we did not talked until Sunday. I can't quit remember who text who first but I do remember that I convinced my friend to go to the movies. I though it was going to be better if we saw each other outside of school after the confession. To be honest with you, I thought that he was not going, but he did! Yes there was a little tension and awkwardness but it was normal. We ate candy, we laughed, we talked, and we looked at each other. Since then, our communication improved but most importantly felt confident.

There was still many things to talk about but we had to be patient and by we I mean me. But I could not let it be long. I had to act fast..."

This is just a piece of a really big puzzle. Trust me, BIG. Even here, there are things I have not told you.But, just so you know, this is not the beginning of it all nor the end; it is kind of the in-between. Just a small part of it...

I welcome You. You welcome Me.

Hi there. Yeah,um. So I decided to create this blog in order to "escape reality"  and be entertained for awhile. This is my first blog entry and I should probably start writing a little bit about me. Okay, here I go: I am a teenager. I enjoy doing all kind of stupid, crazy, weird, and random stuff you can ever imagine(if it is legal, of course), a dreamer, speak Spanish, and maybe a hopeless romantic lover.
Anyway, I will be posting stuff I am dealing with in order to unburden myself. See you around. And please do not hesitate and commentate.Oh, and Welcome (: